COVID-19 Announcement

Steps We Are Taking As We Re-Open
Our team at City Life Dental is with you every step of the way. While many things are changing around us, one thing has remained the same: our office’s commitment to your safety.

We are taking extra precautionary measures to ensure a safe environment for our patients and employees. We will be taking and recording every patient and staff temperature upon arrival. We will be scheduling appointments in a manner that promotes social distancing and allows for adequate time for us to disinfect all areas of use according to OSHA guidelines in between patient appointments. Two H3 True HEPA Medical-grade air purifiers have been installed in the office to help improve the air quality in the area for all patients, family members, and staff.

Our doctor and staff will be wearing all of the recommended personal protective equipment (PPE).If you have an emergency or a dental question, please feel free to reach out to our office. You can call us at (212) 752-8431 or email us at [email protected].